Places for Everyone - Delivering Growth Through Greater Manchester’s Strategic Plan

  • 12th March 2024
  • 10:45—11:30
  • The Manchester Stand


Eamonn Boylan OBE Headshot
Eamonn Boylan OBE
Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Lindsey Richards Headshot
Lindsey Richards
President, RTPI
Mark Robinson Headshot
Mark Robinson
Director of Economy and Place, Rochdale Council
Tom Stannard Headshot
Tom Stannard
Chief Executive, Salford City Council
Jane Healey Brown Headshot
Jane Healey Brown
Director, Arup


With Places for Everyone, GM has delivered the most significant strategic growth plan in the UK. The rest of the UK is now looking at how this has been achieved and how the city-region can capitalise on the opportunities it creates.

The session will provide an overview of the benefits and ‘Story of PfE’ and introduce the opportunities created by growth locations.

Earlier Session

Manchester Delivers – Building on Success

Later Session

Investing in Place-Based Growth