The Ashton Mayoral Development Zone (AMDZ) was officially launched by Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, in May 2024 at UKREiiF in Leeds. The AMDZ offers an ambitious plan for three key areas across Tameside. The zone, which encompasses Ashton Moss, St Petersfield and Ashton town centre sits in the Eastern Growth Cluster - one of six growth locations across Greater Manchester. It aims to deliver more than 3,000 high quality jobs, 1,500 mixed tenure homes and 150,000 square metres of employment space, supporting the transformation of the region.
The Ashton Mayoral Development Zone (AMDZ) was officially launched by Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, in May 2024 at UKREiiF in Leeds. The AMDZ offers an ambitious plan for three key areas across Tameside. The zone, which encompasses Ashton Moss, St Petersfield and Ashton town centre sits in the Eastern Growth Cluster - one of six growth locations across Greater Manchester. It aims to deliver more than 3,000 high quality jobs, 1,500 mixed tenure homes and 150,000 square metres of employment space, supporting the transformation of the region.
Mayor Andy Burnham said ‘’Our vision for Ashton is clear – we want to build good quality, affordable homes, create a thriving town centre, and open up skills and employment opportunities in growing industries.’’
‘’The Ashton Mayoral Development Zone has been set up to spearhead the regeneration of the area. In doing so, we will also take a significant step towards rebalancing Greater Manchester’s economy, creating a new focal point for growth to the east of the city-region.’’
St Petersfield
Located in the middle of the AMDZ, St Petersfield has already seen large investment into its urban business quarter via Ashton Old Baths, a hub for digital and creative businesses. The next phase of the St Petersfield Masterplan has identified nine development opportunities: a modern business district, which is accessible, green and designed to the highest sustainability standards. Its public realm will be enlivened by a mix of uses, including residential, creative studios, cafés and communal spaces which will bring energy and activity throughout the day.
The nine development sites offer an accessible, active, and highly connected place to do business, to live and play – all within a town centre location. The developments include proposals for over 60 new homes, 18,000 sqm commercial/office floor space, 4,500sqm hotel space, and food and drink establishments.
The development zone plans to build on the strengths of the area, which include its proximity to the motorway and its position as the most digitally connected area in Greater Manchester -making St Petersfield an attractive investment opportunity, with a focus on innovation in the digital, media, creative and tech sector.
Ashton Town Centre
Following a successful £20m Levelling Up Fund bid, plans are underway for work on Ashton’s Market Square, the former interchange site, as well as walking, cycling and public realm improvements and the start of restoration works on Ashton Town Hall. Completing this work will unlock the potential of Ashton town centre.
As part of the vision to diversify Ashton-under-Lyne Town Centre to increase visitors and footfall, improved residential offer is needed to attract new residents, businesses and retain the existing population. The delivery of new modern homes will support the vitality of the town centre and importantly will support increasing values and therefore viability of the local residential market.
Ashton-under-Lyne is the primary retail location within Tameside and anchored by two shopping centres. The council is also exploring the possibility of redeveloping the Arcades and Ladysmith shopping centres, as part of a wider plan to regenerate Ashton town centre. Tameside Council is working with major landowners in the heart of Ashton to support the diversification of the retail and leisure offer and are seeking investors and developers to unlock repurposing and new build opportunities.
Ashton Moss
Plans are in development that could see Ashton Moss transform into an Innovation Park and the draft Ashton Moss Development Framework was approved by Tameside Council’s Executive Cabinet in January 2024.
The Ashton Moss Development Framework explores the detailed design to unlock two areas of land close to the M60 with the potential to create a large employment site for the manufacturing and engineering sectors that could deliver significant economic, social, environmental and infrastructure benefits for Tameside.
Ashton Moss is the largest employment opportunity site within Tameside and one of the largest in GM, with the potential for up to 300,000 sqm of commercial floorspace. The site is well located on the road, tram and bus networks (including dedicated Metrolink stops at Ashton Moss and Ashton West) and as such does not require any strategic infrastructure to unlock investment. It is adjacent to the Ashton Moss retail, leisure, commercial and industrial area.
The proposed development brings a fantastic opportunity to create new jobs for residents and attract a skilled and talented workforce. It also has the potential to bring new and innovative businesses in advanced manufacturing to boost to the local economy, building on the borough’s heritage and strengths in the manufacturing industry.
Ashton Moss Innovation Park has the potential to provide growth space for Tameside’s manufacturing and engineering sectors and to attract inward investment, particularly in advanced materials/manufacturing, alongside greater engagement with higher educational institutions.
Within the Ashton town centre regeneration, the objectives are centred around growing and diversifying the town centre. By enhancing the connectivity between different parts of the town centre, in particular St Petersfield and the public transport interchange – will improve walking/cycling routes and the quality of public realm offerings that include housing, leisure, health and culture. This increase in connectivity can also aid in increasing footfall in the town centre, which in turn can support the growth of existing businesses and local supply chains, either through new developments or the repurposing of existing vacant spaces.
One of the main objectives for the zone is improving the choice of homes, in particular modern energy efficient homes for rent and sale including affordable homes, as well as capitalising on the short-term development opportunity at Ashton Moss, which is available for development without the need for strategic infrastructure. Attracting large scale employment in target sectors is a main aim for the AMDZ- especially Advanced Materials and Manufacturing but also Health Innovation, Digital, Creative and Media and Clean Growth.
Councillor Jack Naylor, Executive Member for Inclusive Growth, Business and Employment said, “We have exciting and ambitions for the Ashton Growth Corridor. Work is already underway, and we have been focusing on creating further opportunities to enable us to seek developer partners who can help us make our vision a reality. The Mayoral Development Zone is ideally placed to help unlock further investment and support the development of new homes and employment space, creating jobs and opportunities that benefit people across Tameside and beyond.”
For more information on the Ashton Mayoral Development Zone, find the full prospectus here.